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News 18 October 2024

Sobat Hijau’s Sustainable Initiatives Yield Impressive Results


SANUR – Bali, Indonesia – October 15, 2024 – Sudamala Resort Komodo’s Sobat Hijau green team has shown remarkable progress in its ongoing commitment to sustainability. Since the team was strengthened just 10 to 11 months ago, their efforts in recycling, composting, and organic gardening have seen a significant rise in activity and impact.

In the last seven months, Sobat Hijau has successfully collected nearly 10,000 kg of recyclable waste, showcasing their dedication to reducing environmental harm. Additionally, the composting initiative, which began just two months ago, has already yielded 60 kg of nutrient-rich compost, contributing to the resort’s organic garden. This garden, another integral part of the team’s sustainability mission, has produced its first harvest of 40 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables.

These efforts reflect Sudamala Resort Komodo’s steadfast commitment to responsible tourism, ensuring that luxury can be enjoyed in harmony with environmental care and community empowerment. Sobat Hijau continues to champion a greener future for both the resort and the local ecosystem.

Sobat Hijau, the green heartbeat of Sudamala Resorts, where luxury and sustainability go hand in hand. We are more than just a team – we are passionate environmental stewards committed to preserving our beautiful surroundings while empowering our local community. Every day, we take tangible steps towards a greener future, from transforming discarded plastics into unique keychains to composting organic waste and enriching local farms with nutrient-rich soil.

Our initiatives reflect our dedication to responsible tourism. We collaborate with local artisans to turn beach waste into beautiful, handcrafted treasures and work closely with the community to promote sustainable products. From carbon-conscious activities for our guests to closely monitoring our energy consumption, we are on a mission to minimize our environmental footprint while celebrating the natural beauty of Bali.

As part of Sobat Hijau, you are invited to join us in making a difference. By choosing eco-friendly experiences, supporting local crafts, and indulging in locally sourced culinary delights, you contribute to a sustainable future for Bali, its people, and the planet. Together, we can ensure that tourism leaves a lasting positive impact on our community and the environment.
